Posted: 1st July 2022

3 Secrets to Picking the Right Estate Agent. What do you picture when you think of a car salesman?

What do you picture when you think of a car salesman? Usually, the word ‘sleazy’ comes to mind as we imagine ourselves getting a hard sell. Unfortunately, some estate agents have begun to pick up the same reputation. People have started to picture three-piece suits and false promises whenever their name is brought up in conversation.

However, this isn’t a true representation of the good agents. The ones who put your first and deliver on every promise they make. So, how do you find these agents? How do you find the ones who will have you off the market quicker than you can say “sold”, and for the price, you were promised?

1. Bigger Doesn’t Mean Better:

Especially when it comes to the value of your home. One of the techniques that some agents use to get you on their side is overvaluing the price of your property. Let’s say three valuers visit a home. Valuer one says it is worth £150K, the next valuer says it is worth £153K, and the final valuer says it’s worth £160K. Most people would go with the last valuation because it is the highest, and unscrupulous agents know this.

If an overpriced property is listed for sale, then it generally receives less interest. This leads to it stagnating on the market until the vendor drops the price. Eventually, they’re down to the same value the first two agents promised, but they’ve been on the market for double the time. 

Check local comparisons on Zoopla here, and be wary of any agent who goes way above them when valuing your home.

2. An Agent with Their Priorities in Order 

Ask estate agents what they prioritise. Do they keep talking about a quick sale? Are they more interested in getting you the best price for your home? There isn’t a right or wrong answer, but you do need to pick one whose priorities align with yours.

Also, pay attention to their level of service. Are they keeping you informed? Do they call you with updates and feedback from viewings? Although it is an estate agents’ job to sell your home, it should be a team effort. You should feel like you have got a valued partner on your side helping you every step of the way.

3. A Personal Touch

A valuation is the perfect opportunity for you to get a feel for the valuer, and by extension, the business the valuer represents. How do they come across? Are they interested in you on a personal level? Are they asking what work has been done to the house so they can give a more accurate valuation?

As important as it is that a valuer asks all the right questions about your property, they must also be asking the right questions about you. You are the most important thing. An agent can’t give you the service you need if they don’t know your reasons for moving or what you need from the sale. Make sure the agent has an active interest in you and you feel like you’re sharing a coffee with a friend rather than a salesperson.

The Most Important Thing

We are here to break negative perceptions and modernise the industry by prioritising the most important thing; you. We’re here for you through every step of the sales process, making sure that you don’t just get the price you need, but that you get the service you need too.

Book you're free valuation today by clicking here. Let’s sit down over a coffee and get to know each other better. No hard sale or sleazy pitch, just a genuine team who wants to help you. Even if you’re not ready to sell, we can still give some guidance and point you in the right direction. 

No matter what you need, we’re here to help. Chat with us today by clicking here


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